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2023-12-08 | News

On December 08 of this year, Arail Kanatovna, PhD, Associate Professor of the Department of Economics and Finance at Shakarim Orazgalieva University, delivered a lecture in the case – study format on the topic "A modern leader is a qualified negotiator" within the framework of the "Professor's Hour". The purpose of the lecture is to give the audience a general idea of leadership, to form team management skills, creativity on the topic, to openly discuss, the ability to express their thoughts, to develop general concepts in mastering the topic, to use the acquired skills and abilities in practice. Arailym Kanatovna, who attended the lecture, where strategies and means of active teaching methods were widely used, showed great interest in being active during the discussion of the topic. 22 listeners expressed their sincere gratitude to Arailym Kanatovna, appreciating that the professor's lecture was held at a very high level.



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