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New Year's wishes

2023-12-27 | Congratulation

NAO "Shakarim University of Semey", from the chief accountants of the SME: 


For an accountant, the workload traditionally increases at the end of the financial year - it is necessary to put all accounting documents in order, pay off suppliers, pay taxes, summarize the profitability of the company's activities, and conclude contracts for the new year. We have repeatedly met with you at master classes, observed your sincere interest in the profession, the desire to integrate from the educational process into the production process. 


🎊 Our wishes! In the New Year 2024, feel confident in your profession, study the Laws, follow the corporate culture, and we are always happy to help you and share our experience! 


🔷️ LLP "Full Protect" - Iost Victoria Viktorovna, 

🔷️ LLP "Pneumohydroservice" - Lukina Yekaterinavladimirovna, 

🔷️ LLP "Solo -interior" – Aralbekova Asel Alexandrovna
