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Open class

2023-10-13 | News

According to the schedule of open classes of Shakarim University, approved for October, February 13, 2023, PhD, senior lecturer of the Department of Economics and Finance Gabdullina Lazzat Baglanovna held an open lecture on "Economic Systems" on the discipline "Introduction to the specialty" in the EM-301 group. During the open lesson, the teacher first considered the topic covered, then focused on the definition, factors, elements, classification and types of economic systems. To study the topic and consolidate the knowledge of students, such active teaching methods as brainstorming, cross-poll, discussion, intellectual game, quiz were widely used. The lecture materials were presented in the form of a presentation. At the end of the lesson, students were assessed for mastering the topic. The open lesson plan achieved its goal and was held at a high level in accordance with the requirements of the university.
