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2023-06-19 | News

On December 9, 2021, Shakarim University hosted an international scientific and practical conference "Economy and education of Kazakhstan: current state and new developments" dedicated to the 80th anniversary of the birth of Nadirbek Apsalyamuly Apsalyamov, Doctor of Economics, Professor, Academician of the National Academy of Natural Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan , Academician of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Honorary Professor of the Oxford Academic Union. As part of this historically significant event in honor of the scientist in the main building of the university, located on the street. Glinka, a memorial plaque was installed.


During the scientific conference, the head of the department "Economics and Finance", Ph.D., Associate Professor A.Zh. Zeinullina proposed to open a nominal auditorium and name it after the Teacher. The Apsalyamov family supported the idea and said that in the future they plan to award special scholarships named after the scientist to students studying economics and finance.


As a result of these good undertakings, on June 2, 2023, with the support of the leadership of the Shakarim University and the sponsorship of the Apsalyamov family and students, a lecture hall named after Nadirbek Apsalyamula Apsalyamov was opened.


Nadirbek Apsalyamuly worked in leadership positions from his youth, he was a man with great experience and great life experience. After graduating from the Tashkent Institute of National Economy, he began teaching at the Semipalatinsk branch of the Zhambyl Technological Institute of Light and Food Industry, rose to the rank of vice-rector, rector of the Semipalatinsk Technological Institute of Meat and Dairy Industry, and became the rector of the State Financial Institute.


He was the founder of the Kazakh Academy of Finance and Economics, Innovative University of Kazakhstan, President of the Innovative Academy of Kazakhstan.


The name of the great TEACHER, SCIENTIST, DIRECTOR APSALYAMOV NADIRBEK APSALYAMULY, who enriched the future rising generation with knowledge, made a significant contribution to the training of specialists in the field of economics, he is remembered for generations.
