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2023-04-19 | News

One of the important mechanisms for expanding the academic independence of higher education institutions is the development and annual updating of educational programs based on a competency-based approach in accordance with professional standards, taking into account the proposals of external and internal stakeholders and the needs of students.

On May 18, 2022, a round table was held at the Department of Economics and Finance to discuss educational programs: 6B04108 - Economics and Management, 6B04109 - Accounting and Finance, 6B04106 Management / Business Administration, 7M04115 - Economics and Management, 7M04116 - Accounting and Finance for admission for the 2022-2023 academic year with the participation of employers on the topic "Interaction with employers in the design, implementation and evaluation of educational programs". The issues for discussion were: “Strengthening the links between vocational education and the labor market”, “Expanding the scope and subjects of external evaluation of the educational process and the quality of education”. According to this protocol, the composition of the Academic Committee, teaching staff, representatives of the student community - 3 students, representatives of business structures - 2 people took part in the discussion of the developed DOP).

Particular attention was paid to the issues of updating and introducing new disciplines into the catalog of elective disciplines proposed by stakeholders. With questions of compliance of educational programs with the criteria of the register of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the requirements for the development of learning outcomes. During the meetings, the participants voiced their proposals for the development and updating of the EP, taking into account staffing, the provision of the educational program with information resources, logistics, provision with bases of practice, information support for the implementation of the EP, methodological support for the implementation of the EP.

Stakeholders noted the high quality of training of economic personnel in the discussed EPs, which is also confirmed by the results of practice in organizations.
