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Extension of the memorandum with KDU Global Campus

2022-08-22 | News

KDU Global Campus President John Lee visited Shakarim University on August 29, 2022. During his visit, an extension of the memorandum of understanding between the two universities was signed.

This memorandum of understanding implies academic cooperation between universities and exchange of students, as well as the exchange of scientific information and other academic resources. Thanks to this cooperation, students from both universities can participate in exchanges and study new subjects, enriching their experience and knowledge.

As part of the visit of KDU Global Campus President John Lee to Shakarim University, a 100% discount was also provided for the first semester for Shakarim University students who enroll in the existing dual degree programs:


Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA)
Bachelor of Smart Computing (BSC)
Bachelor of Hotel Management (BHM)

Thus, students of Shakarim University can study under the KDU Global Campus program, and receive a diploma from both universities.

The renewal of the MoU between Shakarim University and KDU Global Campus opens up new opportunities for students from both institutions, allowing them to expand their knowledge and experience in an international context.
