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Entrepreneurship Projects Exhibition by Business Administration (BBA) Students

2022-06-09 | News

On June 2, 2022, a group of junior level students from the International Business Administration Department presented their entrepreneurship projects to the exhibition participants. This event marked an exciting milestone for these students as they showcased their business ideas and entrepreneurial skills to a wider audience.

The students had been working on their projects for a considerable amount of time, conducting research and developing strategies to create successful businesses. The projects covered a variety of industries, from technology to food and beverage, and demonstrated the students' creativity, innovation, and understanding of market trends.

Presenting their projects at an exhibition allowed the students to gain valuable feedback from industry experts and potential investors. It also gave them the opportunity to practice their presentation skills and network with professionals in their field.

The event was an excellent platform for the students to display their entrepreneurship skills and demonstrate their readiness to enter the business world. It showcased the strengths of the International Business Administration Department in nurturing and preparing students for a career in entrepreneurship.

Overall, the entrepreneurship project exhibition was a success, highlighting the creativity, hard work, and dedication of the junior level students in the International Business Administration Department. It served as an inspiration to other students and demonstrated the potential of the next generation of entrepreneurs.
