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Dual training in LLP "PK Cement Plant Semey"

2023-02-10 | News

One of the main activities of the Department of Economics and Finance is the active involvement of employers in Semey to create a practice-oriented educational process. As part of the implementation of the agreement concluded between PC Semey Cement Plant LLP and NJSC Shakarim University of Semey, future economic specialists are trained in a dual form of education.

So, at one of the practical classes, the management of the plant conducted an excursion for students of the department "Economics and Finance". The tour was accompanied by General Director of LLP "PK Semey Cement Plant" Kusegenov Ch.U., Assistant General Director Tleubaev T.E. Students noted the importance and necessity of holding such events for a deeper and more comprehensive study of the activities of manufacturing enterprises. The Department of Economics and Finance thanks the management of the plant for organizing and conducting a production tour and looks forward to further mutually beneficial cooperation.
