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Lecture by the head of the branch of JSC "Halyk Bank" of the region Abai Bayterekova Gulzhakhan Yerimovna. Topic: How to build a career in a bank

2023-03-31 | News

HalykBank JSC is the largest universal commercial bank in the country, successfully working for the benefit of its customers for more than 100 years, one of the most reliable and diversified financial structures in Kazakhstan. Halyk Bank makes it possible to provide its customers with the widest possible range of quality services. Abai - Gulzhakhan Yerimovna Baiterekova, the head of the branch of JSC "Halyk Bank" of the region, will tell about how to build a career in a bank and, in general, about the success and life of a business woman in the framework of the project "Lectures of successful people". 

Dear students, undergraduates and doctoral students of Shakarim University, we invite you to a lecture by the head of the bank Baiterekova G.E. on the topic "How to build a career in the bank", which will be held on March 31, 2023 at 15.00 in the Conference Hall "Ush anyk" Shakarim University.
